Birmingham Rail & Locomotive


#62 Rail Clip

#62 Rail Clip

For Rail Sections:
85# ASCE
115# AREA
132# AREA
104# Crane
105# Crane

#62 clip for weld-down or bolted applications

#106 Rail Clip

#106 Rail Clip

For Rail Sections:
60# ASCE
80# ASCE
100# AREA

#106 clip for weld-down or bolted applications

#114 Rail Clip

#114 Rail Clip

For Rail Sections:
12# ASCE
20# ASCE
25# ASCE
30# ASCE
40# ASCE

#114 clip for weld-down or bolted applications

#120 Rail Clip

#120 Rail Clip

For Rail Sections: 40# ASCE

#120 clip for weld-down or bolted applications

#171 Rail Clip

#171 Rail Clip

For Rail Sections: 171# Crane Rail

#171 clip for weld-down or bolted applications

#175 Rail Clip

#175 Rail Clip

For Rail Sections: 175# Crane Rail

#175 clip for weld-down or bolted applications

Anchor Bolt & Leveling Plate Assemblies For Installation of Rail in Concrete

Anchor Bolt & Leveling Plate Assemblies For Installation of Rail in Concrete

Specications required when ordering anchor bolts and leveling plate assemblies:

Anchor Bolts:
A. Length of anchor bolt
B. Length of thread
C. Length of leg
D. Diameter of bolt

Leveling Plate:
E. Width of plate
F. Center hole to center hole
G. Edge of plate to center hole
H. Height of plate
J. Center hole to center hole
K. Edge of plate to center hole
L. Edge of plate to mid center hole
M. Hole diameter
T. Plate Thickness

Expansion Joints

Expansion Joints

Specifications Required when ordering expansion joints

  • Rail Section
  • Diameter of Bolt
  • Length of slotted hole (D)

Floating Clamp with Eccentric Filler

Floating Clamp with Eccentric Filler

Normal spacing for 1 hole clamp and filler is one pair every 2 feet.

Normal spacing for 2 hole clamp and filler is one pair every 3 feet.

Hook Bolts

Hook Bolts

Specifications required when ordering hook bolts:

  • Rail Size
  • Size of i-beam or cap channel on which the rail sits - Minimum information required includes the width of the beam or channel surface and the length of the ange (leg).
  • Hook Bolt diameter (generally determined by rail size unless specically requested)
Rail Section and SizeHook Bolt Diameter
12# ASCE – 25# ASCE1/2"
30# ASCE5/8”
40# ASCE – 60# ASCE3/4"
80# ASCE – 100# AREA7/8”
104# Crane Rail – 175# Crane Rail1”

Splice Bars

Splice Bars

Splice bars standard for crane runways 12# ASCE - 85# ASCE.

Joint Bars

Joint Bars

Joint bars standard for track material from 100# through 132#.

Drilling or Punching for Joint & Splice Bars

Drilling or Punching for Joint & Splice Bars

Standard Rail and Bar Punching or Drilling
 Rail End Drilling Bar Punching
Rail SectionABCDEFGH
12# ASCE2"4"NA9/16"57/64"NA4"4"
20# ASCE2"4"NA9/16"1-11/64"NA4"4"
25# ASCE2"4"NA9/16"1-15/64"NA4"4"
30# ASCE2"4"NA11/16"1-25/64"NA4"4"
40# ASCE2 1/2"5"NA15/16"1-9/16"NA5"5"
60# ASCE2 1/2"5"NA15/16"1-29/32"NA5"5"
80# ASCE2 1/2"5"NA1"2.38"NA5"5"
85# ASCE5"5"NA1-1/8"2.47"NA5"5"
90# ARA-A2-11/16"5 1/2"NA1-1/8"2.54"NA5 1/2"5-3/8"
100# AREA2-11/16"5 1/2"NA1-1/8"2.75"NA5 1/2"5-3/8"
115# AREA3 1/2"6"6"1-1/8"2.98"6"6"7"
132# AREA3 1/2"6"6"1-3/16"3.20"6"6"7"
104# Crane4"5"6"1-1/16"2-7/16"6"5"8"
105# Crane4"5"6"13/16"2-13/64"6"5"8"
135# Crane4"5"6"1-3/16"2-15/32"6"5"8"
171# Crane4"5"6"1-3/16"2-5/8"6"5"8"
175# Crane4"5"6"1-3/16"2-21/32"6"5"8"


Rail Clamp with Studded Filler

Rail Clamp with Studded Filler

Normal spacing for 1 hole clamp and ller is one pair every 2 feet.

Normal spacing for 2 hole clamp and ller is one pair every 3 feet.

Tight Fit Clamp with Eccentric Filler

Tight Fit Clamp with Eccentric Filler

Normal spacing for 1 hole clamp and ller is one pair every 2 feet.

Normal spacing for 2 hole clamp and ller is one pair every 3 feet.

#103 Rail Clip

#103 Rail Clip

For Bolted Applications on 40# ASCE rail sections

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